Daesung will not be charged with anything for his controversial building

Article: 56 people involved in parlors in Big Bang Daesung's building sent to prosecution, Daesung without charges

Source: Yonhap News via Nate


1. [+2,455, -69] What? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Obviously Daesung gave them permission for them to illegally run brothels in there so why is Daesung without charges? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The law is sh*t

2. [+2,327, -47] YG's amazing... they managed to pull just Daesung out like they did with Seungri

3. [+1,938, -36] I'm pretty sure I read that a warning is sent to the building owner once illegal activities are detected in his building so why is the building owner without charges?

3. [+62, -1] Seungri, Daesung, TOP, GD, all four are one and the same, thugs that snake out of the law

4. [+61, -2] He must have some powerful connections... even the president and politicians have been managed to be taken down, but these guys never go down ㅋ

5. [+48, -0] This is crazy, isn't it? There were articles saying that Daesung's close celebrity friends visited the building and yet Daesung isn't being charged anything??

6. [+46, -2] Dirty, so dirty. What a disgusting company.

7. [+46, -3] What kind of connections do they have that's more powerful than the government? How does YG manage to get out of everything?;;

8. [+40, -2] Ridiculous ㅋㅋ The building owner obviously allowed them to enter the building and run their business and yet he has no responsibility in all of this? What a joke, tsk tsk tsk.

9. [+25, -1] Yang Hyun Suk and Big Bang are undefeatable... all these crimes and yet none of them are paying the price

10. [+19, -2] So I guess the rest of us can buy up a 5 floor building and run a brothel out of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors and put up a fake manager to run the place for us, right?


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