Fan: Oppa, I love you. I'm 7 y.o
Kai: @___ uncle..


The fan was making a joke saying that she was 7 y.o so Kai corrected her asking her to call him "uncle" instead

There are a lot of guys who want to hear young kids calling them "oppa" but it's so heart fluttering how firm Kai is about being called "uncle" instead of "oppa"ㅠ

And even before, when Kai was doing an Insta live, someone said "Jongin-ah, tomorrow, I'm gonna write my application to high school" and Kai responded with "that means you're on your 3rd grade of middle school (pupils shaking), and you're calling me 'Jongin-ah'"? (T/N: she's using informal speech) and he was laughing

And today too

Fan: Jongin-ah, I'm in my 3rd year of high school now. I feel a lump in my stomach..ㅋㅠㅠㅜ I'll study hard and go see Jongin<3<3
Kai: Yes.. nuna..!

Since she called him "Jongin-ah" (T/N: informal speech, when talking to people younger than you), he  replied with "yes.. nuna..!"


Seriously why is he so cute?

post response:
original post: here

1. [+129, -1]
He's pretty tolerant with people younger than him using informal speech but it's so heart fluttering seeing how he couldn't hold back anymore in front of a 7 y.oㅠㅜㅜ Ah Kai's nieces call him Kai-choon because they are young so they can't pronounce "Kai samchon (uncle)" well so they go "Kai-chyoo Kai-Chyoon" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+132, -2]
I saved this so I can look at it every time I have a hard timeㅠㅠ

Fan: Jongin, I've never thought in my whole life that I had to live hard but after seeing you, and how you live so hardworkingly, I thought about "what does it feel like?" a lot. So I too started to want to live a hard working life
Kai: Me too, I want to live hard after seeing you

3. [+128, -1]
A real cutie

Fan: Please go on Insta live
Kai: My hair isn't dried yet. Right now, my has been hit by lightning

Fan: Jongin-ah... I love you T_T Please go on Insta live <3 I'll wait
Kai: I said I can't

Kai: (My hair) looks like this right now, so it won't be possible

4. [+101, 0]
This one is funny tooㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Fan: Ha... you're about the 15th guy that drives me this crazy...
Kai: There are more than I thought..
Fan: Oppa, what are you saying? I'll knock my neck off, I was just joking with you. I don't have anyone else but you

5. [+73, 0]
ㅋㅋㅋ I found this the funniestㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Fan: Instagram, this f*cker, are they gonna block me?
Kai: Insta doesn't work that hard
Fan: Sorry for swearing... please just unsee my swear, please..

6. [+68, 0]
He seriously replies a lot to his fans. I think he knows what to see to comfort othersㅠㅠ

Fan: Please just give me strength on this bad day :'(
Kai: You have me

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