Lee Teuk: Hello
OP: What?
"Who said I could receive a DM from SUJU Lee Teuk?? I didn't know either but what?????"


post response:
original post: here

1. [+324, -11]


To be honest at this rate, he probably doesn't even care that he gets exposed for those and just sends it anyways no? I just can't think of why he would still do it;;;

2. [+286, -15]
This guy is one damn consistent one

3. [+269, -13]
If I was his fan, I'd be so turned off right now;

4. [+203, -6]
It's not a crime to send DMs like that, this is not the point. The point is that if he was a friend of mine, I would find him quite pathetic to act like this

5. [+106, -17]
The one on the left is a girl who's been receiving DMs from Lee Teuk. The one on the right is a SUJU fan. That girl probably isn't in the right state of mind eitherㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Right now he just changed his profile picture, but this is 3 years ago... So I'm not sure about where this begins or endsㅋㅋㅋ She must be an attention seeker ... But that aside, Lee Teuk isn't even using a private account for stuff like that so I don't see how he thinks he looks good doing that. His image changed instantly to just a flirt... He should be more careful...
Girl: Hello, I'm a fan of Lee Teuk 3 years ago who's been receiving DMs from him. At that time, I was excited so I screenshot all our conversation. I was organizing through my pictures and I ended up revealing the content of our messages and revealing the fact that I was a fan. I didn't know that it would become such a big issue... I'm so sorry, I didn't chat with him after that conversation 
OP: This isn't edited right? If you took a screenshot of a conversation from 3 years ago, this wasn't the picture that Lee Teuk oppa was using back then.If I'm wrong, let me know. Right now, there are more people than I expected who are misunderstanding this situation and are swearing at him, you know that right? If you really had the heart of a fan, you should feel sorry for Lee Teuk oppa. Not only that, you should release a post explaining yourself to the people
Girl: This isn't edited. Why would I release fake information? And the thing about the "Hello" "What?" I can't understand what's so problematic about it, can you explain?
And I also have 2 phones, so I screenshot on the phone I'm using right now over the phone I used in the past. 

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