2012.12: Rookie Award at the MMA
2013.01: Rookie Award at the Golden Disk
2013.01: Rookie Award at the Seoul Gayo Daesang
2013.02: Rookie Award at the Gaon Chart Awards
They had a good momentum when they just debuted too and got the most Rookie Awards.
Their strong concert and performance helped them a lot with gaining explosive reaction from foreign fans. They were even featured int the Grammy in 2012 as the Snapshot: Best of 2012.
But then the company was in a rush to make a lot of money and made them promote restlessly nationally in overseas and ruined their health. They also didn't give them basic equipment such as in-ears and whatnot.
In the end, the group filed a lawsuit and the group went into a hiatus 3 years into their debut.
A long time went by because of the lawsuit and in the end, BAP sadly returned to their company.

2017.11: Rookie Award at the Asia Artist Awards
2017.11: Rookie Award at Mama
2018.01: Rookie Award at the Seoul Gayo Daesang
They had popular members from the Produce series, and even 2 members were from IOI.
Their debut song was pretty good compared to other rookies at that time and their performance on the chart was fine and their fandom wasn't small either. They won 3 Rookie Awards so people thought that they would do well but...
They stopped promoting as a full group in 2017. After that, they didn't even go on V-live or attend any event. They went on a 600 days hiatus and in the end, they decided to disband.
They didn't even give any reason and in the end, just wasted the girls' sweat and tears.
post response:
original post: here
1. [+251, -8]
Personally, BAP's case was such a shame. When in came to dancing, singing or rap, it was all perfect. The Warrior MV gave me goosebumps. Even if they came out before YouTube was big, there were so many reaction videos from foreigners saying how they were daebak, that they were good at dancing, singing, etc. I don't want to compare but if only BAP's company was Big Hit, they would've been bigger not only in Korea but would've been f*cking popular overseas (of course, maybe not to Bangtan's extent). I can't think of the titles but even now, when you listen to their songs, they still feel new and cool
2. [+199, -2]
To be honest, even after the lawsuit, BAP were nominated for first place on music broadcasts... and considering their skills... it was seriously a shame. The company even declined their appearances on variety shows but shoved them in overseas promos
3. [+172, -3]
All of BAP's songs were legendary.....
4. [+59, -1]
BAP... with the leader Bang Yongguk's popularity and producing and Daehyun's voice, they would've for sure hit big but the company ruined them... I feel like they were the biggest waste when it came to unlucky teams. They had Daehyun, Youngjae and Jongup for vocals... I hope that Daehyun and Youngjae can release some solo songs in their new companies..
5. [+50, -1]
Pristin was ruined...
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