For me, before sleeping, I have to watch a video that will lighten my mood so I sleep well... Now it totally became a habitㅜㅜ  What are the things you must do before sleeping?

original post:
original post: here

1. [+265, -0]
I would think about how many hours I'll be able to sleep

2. [+90, -4]

3. [+66, -2]
Thinking about my crush f*ck..

4. [+58, -0]
Apply Vaseline on my lips

5. [+53, -0]
I will make eye contact with my puppy and then sleep. In case there's something that's concerning or he needs something

6. [+35, -0]
I become.....delusional.....

7. [+25, -1]
I prayㅎㅎ .............. I pray that someone in this world will realize my wish and I sleep

8. [+24,- 0]
I think "Why did I do this at that time?" I kick my blankets

9. [+24, -0]
Delusions..... I just want to escape reality

10. [+23, -0]
I think of perverted things

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