This was exposed on the university's community page. The article had people from the same district and same school who exposed him with testimonies as well. The victims are still hiding and haven't came at him directly. The person who wrote the original post claims to be someone from his middle school and who graduated with him. He also has the graduation pictures, but due to violation of the portal's rules, he decided not to post them.
"Iljin among the cast of Crash Landing on You's school violence + proof"

- There's an iljin among the cast of CLoY.
We graduated from the same middle school, and I'm going to reveal only the facts that I've directly seen with my eyes.
1. During the breaks in our middle school 1st year, he beat up another classmate of the same grade because he was starring at him (he kicked the fellow student more than 3 times), he gathered his iljin friends and all beat him up
2. He gathered his iljin friends to the washroom and forced students mast*rbate, watched them and laughed
3. He would gather the fellow students of the same rank and would kick those people
Those are the 3 facts that I know
Of course, there might be more instances that I'm not aware of, but there are no kids in our neighborhood who isn't aware of him.
Ever since high school, he cleaned his image and rose to where he is now.
The 2. and 3. have been experienced directly by my friends.

"This is freaking frustrating, but of the 98,99 people who came out of the school of Waegwan knows about this guy and his friends, they were so infamous"

"I come from the Waegwan middle school and I never thought that a kid like that would exist. Do you have proofs?"
- Are you sure you're from Waegwan middle school?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm from that school and even if I'm a distant acquaintance, I've heard of him fooling with peopleㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ You can't be from Waegwan middle school
- To the OP above, just ignore that iljjang (t/n: iljjang = people who get along well with iljins)
- I'm from Waegwan middle school and I went to Sunshim but what is thisㅋㅋ If you have real proofs, I won't say anything, but anyways, this isn't the kid that I knew
- He must've been only kind to you. All iljins are like that

"I'm from the same middle school and people say they weren't aware? Ever since he was in elementary school, he was infamous for being a bully??? But when he went to high school, he become some sort of a model so he went quiet. Of course, his friends are all iljins tooㅋㅋ"
- If you look at the people following him, all the iljins from that school are there
- Ah f*ck.. That to do.. What a turn off
- Huh I've been living right next to that school but I've never heard..
- Me too, I've seen him force other students to mast*rbate in the washroom myself. They were about 6-7 people surrounding one person and they would say stuff like "What are you doing? Do it faster. Oh it's coming out" I've heard them directly talk like that. This is hard facts. Him and his friends were all thugs

"This actor was indeed an iljin during all his middle school years, I couldn't remember who he was so I went and looked at the graduation book, and as soon as I looked at his picture, I recognized him being the iljin. You can ask anyone from that school and anyone would know he was an iljin?
- Then take a picture of your graduation album and release it
- I have a picture, but I remember that he was an iljin too. Just like OP, I remember the events with all the details (ex. who he would beat up) but I wasn't the direct victim, so I'm just carefully releasing what I know. Still, those are my personal information. Sorry. All I can say is that it's true that this actor is from Waegwan middle school, the school was also famous for having dumbheads, and he was also just fooling around. Just try to think whether you still want to believe with or without proofs.
t/n: found a post with what OP claims to be proof pictures: https://redcolorworld.tistory.com/519
post response:
original post: here
1. [+420, -4]
I went "who's that...?" At first but it's this person....????????? For real..???????????

2. [+398, -5]
Please I hope this gets brought to light fast.. If he was really a school violence assailant, I hope he doesn't get cast as a lead after CLoY
3. [+260 ,-4]
No but nowadays, as soon as you run your mouth, you can get sued for defamation of character, so you really think those people will go out of their way to concretely oust him by lying?
4. [+198, -2]
Wow he forces people to mast*rbate in front of them?? And he was barely just a middle schooler on top of that? This is too shocking.... He was really a thug
5. [+170, -10]
People here going around saying they want to keep neutrality on this case, if you were really neutral, you wouldn't go around preaching neutrality, instead, just let your keyboards off your hands. The victims are already claiming that he's involved with school violence, all you're doing is hurting them even more with your neutrality
6. [+161, -3]
But from the perspective of the victims, they've already suffered that much and on top of that you have people telling them "Prove it, you don't even have any proofs~~" they will just get even more hurt by that. This isn't even coming from 1 or 2 people, and unless you filmed the assault itself when it really happened, there is really no other ways to prove it. Just think a bit
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